Occupational Therapy
We have 3 Occupational Therapists providing occupational therapy to students of all age groups. These therapy classes are categorized into Baby, Trainable, Educable, and Pre-vocational classes. The OT classes are held 4 days a week. The therapeutic exercises are regularly practiced include fine motor, clay, and hand function activities. For gross motor skills, obstacle walking, cycling, and garden exercises are performed.
Oral motor coordination and blowing activities are also part of the routine.To help students calm down, sensory play and animal walks have been incorporated. Balancing exercises are included as well. Cognitive and perception activities are practiced, along with yoga postures and other stretching exercises along with gym classes for fitness and independence.
The parents are also provided with a home program and is encouraged to follow up on it. Occupational therapy helps child in gaining balance, coordination, work on their sensory issues, and also helps in improving perceptual, cognitive & daily living activities of children.
Speech Therapy
We provide Speech Therapy to students from 3 years to 15 years of age. Speech therapy helps in developing speech and language difficulties in children along with holistic development in children with disabilities.
A series of in-person speech and language therapy sessions are conducted. Each child has one session per week, which takes place on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. Sessions are conducted individually or in small groups of 2-3 children at the same level.
Each child receives personalized attention to improve their language skills, attention, and concentration. Tongue and lip exercises are tailored to each child’s needs. Moreover, Parents are invited to the school for better understanding and collaboration. Parents are given tasks to do with their children daily. This approach helps children achieve their goals.
Skill Development Program in Retail Therapy
Here we train individuals aged 18 and above for employment in various retail settings such as malls and grocery stores. We were affiliated with the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana in 2015, we trained 30 students, resulting in over 15 securing jobs in the retail sector.
Presently, we’re collaborating with Sols Arc Institute in the Pathways Training program, offering vocational training to 12 students. This joint venture will provide them with opportunities to work in the retail sector, particularly at Amazon Warehouses.
Counseling and Guidance
We provide Behavior Modification Treatment to students, along with regular parent counseling. Additionally, we provide Group Counseling to students who are 10 years and older, which helps them enhance their Social Communication and emotional skills, ultimately improving their overall personality. The topics covered in group counseling include peer pressure, listening skills, appropriate behavior, and more.
For parents or outpatients seeking guidance, we provide information on different schemes and benefits available for special needs, as well as the Schools & Workshops that are available in various locations. Furthermore, we are actively reaching out to college students and the general public to raise awareness about the prevalence of disabilities and emphasize the importance of prevention.